Chào mừng mọi người đến với series Cùng nhau học từ vựng Toeic 990 Kikutan.
Kikutan là phương pháp học qua nghe Audio, việc nghe sẽ giúp tăng khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tốt hơn.
Bước 1: Hãy nghe audio qua 1 lần và cố gắng note được nhiều từ vựng càng tốt
Bước 2: Nghe lần 2 với script nào!
Tiếng Nhật | Tiếng Anh | Câu ví dụ |
祝祭 | gala | Nearly 400 guests enjoyed a gala dinner at the hotel.(400人近い来賓がそのホテルでの祝賀ディナーを楽しんだ) |
研修生 | intern | The company hires 10 interns every summer and about a quarter of its employees are former interns.(その会社は毎年夏に10名の研修生を雇っており、従業員の約4分の1は元研修生だ) |
調査員 | investigator | Investigators are looking into the cause of the accident.(調査員たちはその事故の原因を調べている) |
材木 | lumber | The lumber is stacked in layers.(材木が何層にも積み重ねられている) |
出来事 | occurrence | Sports injuries are a common occurrence among children.(スポーツでのけがは子どもたちの間ではよくあることだ) |
コピー機 | photocopier | The man is fixing a photocopier.(男性はコピー機を修理している) |
年功 | seniority | Promotion should be based on merit, not seniority.(昇進は年功ではなく、功績に基づくべきだ) |
割り当て | allocation | A fairer allocation of wealth is crucial to reducing the gap between the rich and poor.(より公平な富の配分は貧富の格差を減らすために極めて重要だ) |
猛吹雪 | blizzard | The airport was closed due to a blizzard.(猛吹雪のため空港は閉鎖された) |
搭乗 | boarding | Ladies and gentlemen, boarding will start in 10 minutes.(皆さま、搭乗は10分後に始まります) 空港のアナウンス |
境界線 | boundary | The Andes mountains form the boundary between Chile and Argentina.(アンデス山脈はチリとアルゼンチン間の境界線を形成している) |
国勢調査 | census | A census is taken every five years in Japan.(日本では国勢調査は5年ごとに行われる) |
気を散らすこと | distraction | Talking on a cellphone can be a distraction from driving.(携帯電話での通話で運転から気が散ることもある) |
集会 | gathering | There was a gathering of business leaders in Tokyo.(財界首脳らの会合が東京であった) |
道具 | gear | I loaded camping gear into my car.(私は車にキャンプ用具一式を積み込んだ) |
実行 | implementation | The implementation of the project was delayed due to a lack of funds.(そのプロジェクトの実施は資金不足のため延期された) |
Bước 3: Cuối cùng cùng ôn tập những từ vựng đã học
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